PhotoScore Midi Lite特别版是一款能够PDF乐谱文件进行转换的乐谱扒谱软件,我们直接通过这款软件就可以获取到西贝柳斯格式的文件,并且还可以识别错误的音符。
1、OmniScoredual-engine recognition system(omniscore双引擎识别系统)
2、NotateMe handwritten music entry yes NotateMe Now reduced version(notateme手写音乐入门是notateme现在简化版)
3、Handwritten score recognition(手写评分识别)
4、Opens PDF files(打开PDF文件)
5、Plays back(播放)
6、Sends scores directly to Sibelius(直接向西贝柳斯发送分数)
7、Saves MusicXML, NIFF, MIDI and PhotoScore files for opening in Finale and other notation programs
8、Saves WAV/AIFF audio files (also for burning to CD)
9、Reads slurs and ties(读诽谤和关系)
10、Reads hairpins and dynamics(读取发夹和动力学)
11、Reads text (lyrics, title etc) in 120 different languages (including bold, italic, etc.)
12、Reads articulation marks(读衔接标记)
13、Reads triplets and other tuplets(读取三胞胎和其他tuplets)
14、Reads grace notes and cue notes(阅读格雷斯笔记和提示笔记)
15、Reads cross-staff notes and beams(阅读交叉工作人员的笔记和横梁)
16、Reads guitar chord diagrams(读吉他和弦图)
17、Reads 4- and 6-string guitar tab(读4和6弦吉他标签)
18、Reads 1-, 2- and 3- line percussion staves(读1 -,2 -和3 -线冲击法杖)
19、Reads double and repeat barlines(读双重复barlines)
20、Reads repeat endings, Coda and Segno(读双重复barlines)
21、Reads ornaments and pedal markings(阅读装饰和踏板标记)
22、Accidental types(事故类型)
23、Clef types(谱号类型)
24、Shortest note value(最短音符值)
25、Maximum voices per staff(每个员工的最大声音)
26、Maximum staves per page(每页最大杠)
27、Maximum pages per score(每个评分的最大页面)
28、Maximum dots per note/rest(每注/休息的最大点)
29、Reads the length of irregular bars(读取不规则条的长度)
31、Prints scores(打印成绩)
32、Automatic scanning and reading after scanning (removes the hard work of choosing scanner settings)
33、Playback with astonishing realism using Espressivo? feature licensed from Avid Sibelius
【PhotoScore Midi Lite特别版下载】PhotoScore Midi Lite(乐谱扒谱软件) v5.03 官方正式版 >>本地高速下载