

技术开发2024-06-15 阅读()

  DatagramSocket类在客户端创建自寻址套接字与服务器端进行通信连接,并发送和接受自寻址套接字。虽然有多个构造函数可供选择,但我发现创建客户端自寻址套接字最便利的选择是DatagramSocket()函数,而服务器端则是DatagramSocket(int port)函数,如果未能创建自寻址套接字或绑定自寻址套接字到本地端口,那么这两个函数都将抛出一个SocketException对象,一旦程序创建了DatagramSocket对象,那么程序分别调用send(DatagramPacket dgp)和 receive(DatagramPacket dgp)来发送和接收自寻址数据包,


Listing 4: DGSClient.java
// DGSClient.java

import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;

class DGSClient
 public static void main (String [] args)
  String host = "localhost";

  // If user specifies a command-line argument, that argument
  // represents the host name.
  if (args.length == 1)
   host = args [0];

  DatagramSocket s = null;

   // Create a datagram socket bound to an arbitrary port.

   s = new DatagramSocket ();

   // Create a byte array that will hold the data portion of a
   // datagram packet's message. That message originates as a
   // String object, which gets converted to a sequence of
   // bytes when String's getBytes() method is called. The
   // conversion uses the platform's default character set.

   byte [] buffer;
   buffer = new String ("Send me a datagram").getBytes ();

   // Convert the name of the host to an InetAddress object.
   // That object contains the IP address of the host and is
   // used by DatagramPacket.

   InetAddress ia = InetAddress.getByName (host);

   // Create a DatagramPacket object that encapsulates a
   // reference to the byte array and destination address
   // information. The destination address consists of the
   // host's IP address (as stored in the InetAddress object)
   // and port number 10000 -- the port on which the server
   // program listens.

   DatagramPacket dgp = new DatagramPacket (buffer,

   // Send the datagram packet over the socket.

   s.send (dgp);

   // Create a byte array to hold the response from the server.
   // program.

   byte [] buffer2 = new byte [100];

   // Create a DatagramPacket object that specifies a buffer
   // to hold the server program's response, the IP address of
   // the server program's computer, and port number 10000.

   dgp = new DatagramPacket (buffer2,

   // Receive a datagram packet over the socket.

   s.receive (dgp);

   // Print the data returned from the server program and stored
   // in the datagram packet.

   System.out.println (new String (dgp.getData ()));

  catch (IOException e)
   System.out.println (e.toString ());
   if (s != null)
    s.close (); 

  DGSClient由创建一个绑定任意本地(客户端)端口好的DatagramSocket对象开始,然后装入带有文本信息的数组buffer和描述服务器主机IP地址的InetAddress子类对象的引用,接下来,DGSClient创建了一个DatagramPacket对象,该对象加入了带文本信息的缓冲器的引用,InetAddress子类对象的引用,以及服务端口号10000, DatagramPacket的自寻址数据包通过方法sent()发送给服务器程序,于是一个包含服务程序响应的新的DatagramPacket对象被创建,receive()得到响应的自寻址数据包,然后自寻址数据包的getData()方法返回该自寻址数据包的一个引用,最后关闭DatagramSocket。


Listing 5: DGSServer.java
// DGSServer.java

import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;

class DGSServer
 public static void main (String [] args) throws IOException
  System.out.println ("Server starting ...\n");

  // Create a datagram socket bound to port 10000. Datagram
  // packets sent from client programs arrive at this port.

  DatagramSocket s = new DatagramSocket (10000);

  // Create a byte array to hold data contents of datagram
  // packet.

  byte [] data = new byte [100];

  // Create a DatagramPacket object that encapsulates a reference
  // to the byte array and destination address information. The
  // DatagramPacket object is not initialized to an address
  // because it obtains that address from the client program.

  DatagramPacket dgp = new DatagramPacket (data, data.length);

  // Enter an infinite loop. Press Ctrl+C to terminate program.

  while (true)
   // Receive a datagram packet from the client program.

   s.receive (dgp);

   // Display contents of datagram packet.

   System.out.println (new String (data));

   // Echo datagram packet back to client program.

  s.send (dgp);


  在编译DGSServer 和DGSClient的源代码后,由输入java DGSServer开始运行DGSServer,然后在同一主机上输入Java DGSClient开始运行DGSClient,如果DGSServer与DGSClient运行于不同主机,在输入时注意要在命令行加上服务程序的主机名或IP地址,如:java DGSClient www.yesky.com

